Thursday 29/04 last evening at Piaski
Its 19:08.
I am seating on a bench next to playground between Kochanowskiego 32 and Reymonta 10a.
Tears all arround. We have been so happy hear so many times. Now its my last evening hear. Tomorrow i moove to hostel. All luck i got from life was this place, with the most loved person. Now i lost everything.
Its so marvelous spring arroundx restriction about coronavirus will be cut in a while. We would just start new season of our marvelous time together.
Tacy bylismy jeszcze wczoraj, a dzisiaj tak jak sej skonczylo sie, tacy sami jeszcze wczoraj i wszystko mialo sens. I gdzie to wszystko jest?
Yesterday I sent letter to my brother about money. Last attempt. I keep on working. I am sure i can pay my debt in months, then just start new life without. And without lies. We could be still so happy. We were to each other everything. Now Julunia thinks I am a thief? After all this we survived? I am just coward, who is unluck in life. But still try to be always a good person. I would give her all mine. To the rest of my life. I made unreal mistakes, no justification. In fears of love... Sick.
I wilk never believe thats it finish. We can still be so happy together....
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