2nd Easter Day 2022 11:03
Easter in my life
All my childhood difficult time. My parents, who were not close to each other, my brother and me. In one car. Going to grandparents. Always a lot of arguments. Many times I dreamed about future to spend this special times alone when I am older. Without all these screams, wars arround...
Then came Juleczka and we had two beatuest Easter I can even imagine. With love arround. First one in 2020 in our 32. We made rice cakes with hummus, pomidori and ogorek. Also a special polish Easter soup. We boight some ready to eat food before. And we loved.
Last year even more unreal magical. Juleczka made a salad. We went by the Wisla. We walked on stones in water. What a time. One and only in life.
Two magical Easter. Thats it. Any more.
This year first one without even talk to my Father. On stranger ground. Arround a lot if alcohol. Without sleeping. Unreal sad.
Whole night when I could just lie thought about Her. How is She. Imagined us...