25/02/23 20:13
Tears dont stop even for a while.
Missing Her is more than anything else existed.
Love to woman is more than all together. When you only are able to love one time.
Unreal pain.
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Tears dont stop even for a while.
Missing Her is more than anything else existed.
Love to woman is more than all together. When you only are able to love one time.
Unreal pain.
When you have fragile personality, you can survive near everything. All bad things which can happen on man's road. But you can not go farther when one day your soul is broken for two pieces and one half is far away from your body and you dont know what is happening with it.
When i falled in love in Juleczka one half of my soul joined her and will stay there forever. Most of people are able to deal with it. Find another woman, forget. But not me.
Till last breath of me, it will stay like this.
Dead diary, today whole day in crazy tears.
I want to write in this diary every day.
But I cant.
Doing anything, even stand up to make a tea is above my strenght.
That's terrifying what happened to my body. Soul is destroyed from two years. Now body joined it.
Headaches, left part in bad condition, left hand difficult to lift.
How many people in history lost their lifes because of lost love. When they couldnt go forward. When head didnt let them stay alive. How many people suffered the same. Millions for sure. And what after? Nothing. They just died, and wheel of history run a normal circle....
Today She was again in my dream. Beautiful as She is. We were very happy. But then I waked up... And must stay awaken now... I cant.
Tomorrow Valentine's Day.
Woman who I love without end, dont want to know me.
For my feeling, it means nothing.
Its near two years since She left. Probably She has a new, better one.
For me times stopped. My mind is in 2020 when I sent flower to Italy and in 2021 when I had just one in my whole life Lovers Day next to my Love.
Love you Juleczka, my Sweetest Dream. My One and Only. It will never change. I miss you and I hug you.
Tato, wczoraj minął rok od czasu, gdy ostatni raz odebrałeś ode mnie telefon. Gdy ostatni raz do mnie zadzwoniłeś. Wiele razy, jeden po drugim, jak to miałeś w zwyczaju. To już rok odkąd nie mam już nikogo, kto by interesował się, co się u mnie dzieje. Kto by się troszczył.
Leżysz bez ruchu od ponad roku. Jak bardzo cierpisz. Proszę Boga byś chociaż nie był tego wszystkiego świadomy.
Dziękuję, że jesteś ciągle dla mnie. Że dzięki Tobie cały czas mam kogoś, kto wiem, że - choć nie może tego wyrazić - mnie kocha.
Tato świadectwem swoich ostatnich lat pokazałeś, jak bardzo można wszystko, co było złe wynagrodzić. Jaki Ty byłeś kochany Tato. Jak wiele miłości mi dałeś.
Przepraszam Cię za wszystko zło. Ty dobrze wiesz, bo powtarzałem Tobie to wiele razy, jak bardzo Cię kocham.
Dziękuję za wszystko kochany Tato.