6 years....
I spent whole day in my town. I went to cmentery to talk with my Mum. I apologized that I visited Her so rarely. I told Her everything about Julunia. Apologized that I didnt introduce Julcia to Her. My Mum would love J. I took a sit there and told everything. I said also that Mum today is 6 years. I miss you so much, but I have to admit sth - now I miss more mya second woman. Mum for sure understood it.
I visited F. He is whole in pain and walk very barely. It was also a lot of time we havent seen each other. It was very good time to talk with Him today. About our problems. He will do all He can knowing that He cannot to much to help me. We drank a coffee, ate a biscuits, hugged, said that we love each other. Hope to see Him many many times in my life still. Pray for His health.
I walked a lot on my streets from childhood. Saw my house, my primary school, secondary school, visited few shops I used to make shopping, was on the big place near my house when I used to walk every day, today it was full in marvelous flowers. Also met my colleague neighbour who I spent a lot of time together playing football. Very nostalgic time. Missed only Julunia next to me, would love to show Her all of it.
How is She? Is Killian born? Is he healthy? So much question without answers...