Saturday 08/05 09:24 dreamed about Julunia...
Whole night dreamed about Juleczka. Waked up and looking her next to me. And again. And again.
Terrible sad. She doesnt even want to tell me if She is safe at home. She is scarried about me.... unreal.... 3 weeks ago i was loved like noone else in the world.
God, why you punish me so much. If I only have normal family, brother like 90 % of people have. Healthy father. Why noone wants to help me when i didnt do anything wrong besides lies to gain time. Why I dont have normal family, who should be my back in this circumstances. Why always biggest punishment? Why?
Tomorrow starts the real spring time. Today hotels are being reopen. One week ago galleries and museums. In one week time we dont have to wear mask outside what Julcia was looking for so long. We would be so happy. I will never understand why life wants from me only suffering. How to survive this saturday?
Julunia, I will love you forever, wherever you are.