Christmas Eve 2021 09:19
In the name of love I let you forgot me.
In the name of love I listened to you.
In the name of love I didnt write, message, put any photo which could hurt you.
In the name of this love, I let you run your life.
I killed myself thanks to this above, but I let you live instead.
I dont understand anything from last 8 months.
Any of your behaving cannot kill my feelings.
My soul is done and body not able to fight to survive, but until I exist, my only oxygen is love.
Until the end, until I will stop crying, I will love you.
Knowing that noone ever read this diary, noone ever read this wishes, I cannot write to you directly, so this is the only way.
Have a good Christmas time Julunia. Among people who love you. I will stay alone and remind every minute from last year, when I spend only one real Christmas in my life.
Take care of you my Sweetie.
Buon Natale Julunia, Juleczka, my Everything.