I thanks God that in this worst possible to imagine period of life, He put so good people who gave me work and are very friendly.
I work really a lot. The record was 34 hours in two days last week.
But its not the heaviest work I ever had. I help very nice couple to organize events, wedding parties. I needeg good people arround me and I got them. Thank you God.
Again the big pain in teeths came. Last time it was it was straight after Juleczka left, pre last was with Her. The pain the same but so different. When She was next to me I didnt feel pain. Her smile, words, being were the best medicines which healed everything.
I meet really a lot beautiful women on streets. But I know, thats the most obvious thing, that She was the only one. She IS the Only One. She is mine, I am her.
Every day I try to talk a little to Her. And this night like all the others, I will ask God for two things. That my father survive it. And Julunia has a good night there in San Mauro.
Sogni d`oro Julunia.