Thursday 29/04 06:57
Dzien dobry world
Dzien dobry mama Warsaw
Dzien dobry drzewo
How was your night? Did you sleep well? What was your dream?
I miss you so much, I love you so much. I wait for you....
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Dzien dobry world
Dzien dobry mama Warsaw
Dzien dobry drzewo
How was your night? Did you sleep well? What was your dream?
I miss you so much, I love you so much. I wait for you....
My soul cannot stand it anymore.
Its not like i had someone i felt good with and i lost but i can find another
I lost part of me. We shared everyday acitivity, we shared our souls, we shared everything. And we loved each other. Trully loved.
I fucked totally. I hurted her because i was coward. Because i was so scarry. Its not a justication. Nothing justify lies. Nothing. Julunia has a right to think but i am a bastard, worst man in a world. I was so scarry to loose Her, that i couldnt say truth. I think She would have understood if I told her this at the beginning.
I felt from the start that She is my angel, one and only, someone you can find once in a lifetime. And i was so scarry to tell truth to not lose this chance. You are in idiot man. You dont deserve for anything.
I would never hurt her on purpose. Never. I love Her so much. And i know we would be the most happy couple in the world. We suit so much. I love Her so much.
I dont know where is my Juleczka. How does she feel. What does She do. I cannot stand it. I miss Her so much. So much....
There were many songs we listened to, Eric Clapton, Brian Adams, Cellin Dion.
Here i put special songs, we sang together. Julcia with Her marvelous polish.
- Universe "W taką ciszę".
- Universe "Tacy byliśmy" (bisów nie będzie)
- Universe "Nie wiem czy to miłość" (drwi)
- Mafia "Niecierpliwi" ( jeden dwa)
- Budka Suflera "Jolka Jolka pamiętasz" ( lato ze snu)
- Top One "Biały miś"
- Classic "Jolka Jolka to dziewczyna"
- "Ty jesteś ruda"
- Sumptuastic "Kołysanka"
- Dżem "Sen o Victorii"
- Dżem "Modlitwa"
- Feel "Jak anioła głos"
- Kelly Family "Angel"
I have all these songs sang together in my ears. I so regret that I didnt record Juleczka singing it. But till.the end of my days I will hear it, how She sang it with polish words. How we dance in our room...
We are not a typical couple. We didnt need to much to feel like in heaven. We had many places we loved to go. Wvwn though because of pandemy many places were closed, we found our ways.
- Las Bielanski, our favourite. We have been there many many times. Since the beginning, march 2020. I told Julcia we have big forest 20 min from our flat and she didnt need to be encouraged. She went there many times alone, many times with me. She knew everything about all roads in this forest. I was much more lost there. Before Her, i didnt think that going to las can be so interesting. But it was. Change of colours during year, birds birding and silent. Main thing was our drzewo where we climbed together. Once one quite old couple were passing when we were on this tree and man said: i have to make you a photo, because you look so beautiful there together. He made and sent us. Drzewo was the last thing we were together on...
- small las: next to Las Bielanski. We went there on a way of coming back from Big Las. A lot of squirrels. We gave even name for them: Peter and Samantha. Once we saw very small one screaming on a branch. He looked liked lost. We called him Peterinho. Julcia teached me there everything: walking on a tree with closed eyes, feeding squirrels. Before Her i was scarried about this animals. Julcia made me brave. Loved this las. We kissed and hugged there a lot.
- our pond. 15 min walk from Reymonta. We went there also many times, Julcia also many times when i went to church. We liked this water there and benches arround. On summer 2020 we went there three times for concerts. On very cold winter 2021 we were skating on an ice. What a days...
- our walk to playing ground zone next to church. Few times we went there. On last Sunday together we went there and played chess outside and badminton. Marvelous walks hand by hand.
- bench at AWF: Julunia very liked this bench there, especially in spring 2021. She made salad or sandwiches and we went there to have a lunch and sunbath a little. I also took her on my shoulder there. We have been there and had lunch also on Monday, last hours together. It was so marvelous. At AWF we also played many times badminton. Both liked it very much. Julcia as a woman is so good in it.
- our round in Piaski: usually to Kochanowskiego 32 and then to Metro Stare Bielany, then by Platnicza street. Hand by hand. Side by side. Loved, hugged, talking about everything. I loved this walk. Julcia too.
- Wisla: first times we went many times on left side, where are more people walking. We had lunch there, drink something. We also lied there on special benches. At the end we discovered second side. More wild, but very beautiful. We were there two times. Once on Easter 2021, once on last Sunday 18 of April. Walked on stones, seat by water. Looking at ourselves with love.
- Wilanow: we were there 3 or 4 times. By bus 180. Once on the other side, because Park was closed. This day we walked on ice in warm day but still with ice after many cold. In the Park we walked, admired, loved. Julcia once met Her friend. We were there also on February 2020 when Julcia came to me for a weekend. Beautiful place.
- Łazienki - been there twice. Once in February 2020. Julcia knows this place much more than me. She went there many times when She was at Vava. We kissed there, we walked. Julcia showed me peacock and i asked: why noone still hasnt steal it yet. Julcia very liked a path to Łazienki and special lamps there. She always said She wants to be a street lamp.
- Park Szczesliwicki: been there once, on Sunday 11th of April. It was first warm Sunday this year and we wanted to celebrate it going for picnic. Julcia made marvelous salad. We found our place, ate lunch and lied. Long time. Next to each other. Looking at other people. Julcia in new shirt which gave Her so much happiness: if life gives you a lemonade, lets make lemonade. One of the best day in my life.
- Park near Rondo Waszyngtona: we have been there in summer 2020 for a picnic. Next to us were meeting of group of some models. We many times joked about this ukrainian models. Marvelous hot day with Julunia.
- Badminton court: we played few times, especially on summer 2020. Julcia had so much fun and She knew She gives me even more. Marvelous marvelous time.
- Lodowisko Koneser - we managed to be there once on winter 2021. Many times it was closed because of coronavirus. But one day we managed to go. Before, I told Julcia that i am not able to skate. I can do many sports, but skate i am really not able. But with Julunia it worked. We skated for one hour having a lot of fun. What a special day it was.
All these places and the other were special because they were shared with Julunia. Alone or with anyone else they mean nothing. Even being in most marvelous place in the world cannot be compared to being on plain walk or forest with someone you love, with someone with so beautiful soul like Julunia.
Song where Juleczk instead of "jeden żar" śpiewała "jeden dwa". The most common song in last weeks, Julcia liked it very much.
Noc się kiedyś skończy,więc chodźmy zanim znajdą nas
To ostatni szept, nim będzie nasz ostatni raz Potem możesz być, najbardziej niecierpliwa ja Wezmę z twoich rąk, to wszystko co mi dasz
To na naszej drodze, rozstąpi się morze
Będę wierzyć że, pokonam ból pokonam lęk
Nim będziemy sami, łukiem ciał rozgrzanych Narysuję je, ich każdy mały cień
Są ludzie są serca, jeden żar
Są myśli namiętne, w twoich ja...
Potem będę tak, tak bardzo niecierpliwy aż Zetrzesz z moich ust, najmniejsze ślady dnia
To na naszej drodze, rozstąpi się morze
Będę wierzyć że, pokonam ból pokonam lęk
Nim będziemy sami, łukiem ciał rozgrzanych Narysuję je, ich każdy mały cień
Są ludzie są serca, jeden żar
Są myśli namiętne, w twoich ja
Są głosy, są słowa, których brak
Są myśli i w tobie, będę ja
Są ludzie są serca, jeden żar
Są myśli namiętne, w twoich ja
Są głosy, są słowa, których brak
Są myśli i w tobie, będę ja
The night will end some day, so let's go before they will find us
That's the last whisper, it will be our last time
Then you can be the most impatient,
I will take from your hands everything you'll give me It will be our way where the sea will open up
I will believe I will defeat the pain, defeat the fear Before we will be alone by the bow of heated bodies
I will draw them - their every little shadow
There are people, there are hearts, one heat
There are passionate thoughts, in yours - there's me Next I will be so impatient until
You will rub off the smallest signs of the day from my lips
It will be our way where the sea will open up
I will believe I will defeat the pain, defeat the fear Before we will be alone by the bow of heated bodies
I will draw them - their every little shadow
There are people, there are hearts, one heat
There are passionate thoughts, in yours - there's me There are voices, there are words which are missing
There are thoughts and there will be me inside you